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Budget Speech

Bolstering Confidence

28. The economic environment has been rather difficult in recent years amid intensifying geopolitical tensions and the rise of unilateralism and protectionism.  Its impact on the Mainland economy and even the Hong Kong economy, coupled with fierce competition from other economies, have caused unease among some about the future development of Hong Kong.

29. That said, Hong Kong's economic outlook is bright.  Despite a host of prevailing challenges, we will find infinite opportunities ahead, as long as we stay on top of global trends and dare to explore.  Global economic gravity will continue to shift eastward.  Asia will remain an important engine of global economic growth.  Our country's economy is now pursuing high‑quality development through innovation, deepening reform and sustaining a high‑level, two-way opening‑up.  The overall trend of long-term growth remains unchanged.  Our country has shown great care and staunch support for Hong Kong, and recently extended the Individual Visit Scheme to Xi'an and Qingdao.  By leveraging Hong Kong's institutional advantages and our connectivity with the Mainland and the rest of the world under "One Country, Two Systems," we will certainly be able to seize the opportunities coming our way.

30. In the short run, the Government has put in place a series of measures to showcase Hong Kong's appeal to people from around the world, empowering individuals and enterprises to seize every opportunity.  And we will continue to roll out policies and initiatives on all fronts, drawing in capital, enterprises and talent, expanding our economic capacity and strengthening our impetus for development.



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