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Public Finance

Public Finance

2025-26 Total government revenue and expenditure
  • 2024/25: forecast consolidated deficit of $87.2 billion. Fiscal reserves are forecast to be $647.4 billion by end March 2025
  • 2025/26: forecast consolidated deficit of $67.0 billion
  • Operating Account: estimated to return to a surplus within 2 years, i.e. from 2026/27
  • Fiscal reserves are estimated at $579.1 billion by end-March 2030

Enhancing Fiscal Consolidation Programme


  • Strictly control government expenditure as the main focus, supplemented by increasing revenue, to minimise the impact on the general public
  • Ensure delivery of high-standard public services, and accelerate the development of the Northern Metropolis and infrastructure projects related to people’s livelihood and the economy
  • Maintain competitiveness of Hong Kong’s low and simple tax regime
  • Uphold “user pays” principle and the “affordable users pay” principle when increasing revenue

Strictly containing government expenditure growth

  • Pay freeze for all personnel of executive authorities, the legislature, the judiciary and Members of the District Councils in 2025/26
  • Stepping up the Productivity Enhancement Programme: a cumulative 7% cut from 2024/25 – 2027/28. Recurrent government expenditure in 2027/28 to decrease by $27.3 billion compared to 2023/24. CSSA, Social Security Allowance and statutory expenditure are not affected
  • Civil service establishment: reduce by 2% each in 2026/27 and 2027/28. Reduction of about 10 000 posts by April 2027
  • Funding for UGC-funded universities: funding of $68.1 billion in next 3 years, reflecting an annual reduction target of 2%
  • Adjust the two transport subsidy schemes to reduce government expenditure by about $6.2 billion in the next 5 years:
    • The $2 Scheme:
    • Targeted beneficiaries remain unchanged;
    • Implement the“$2 flat rate cum 80% discount” (for trips with fare above $10, 80% discount); and
    • number of concessionary trips limited to 240 per month
    • Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme:
    • threshold for subsidy collection raised from $400 to $500 starting from June 2025
    • subsidy amounting to one-third in excess of the threshold will continue to be provided, while the subsidy cap at $400 per month will remain unchanged
  • Assist bureaux and departments in reducing expenditure
    • strengthen the exercise of fiscal prudence and optimal use of public funds
    • enhance procurement system to procure quality goods and services at reasonable prices
    • relevant bureaux to review expenditure on social welfare, healthcare, and education
  • Enhance public service efficiency: leveraging technology, streamlining processes and driving digital transformation of public services
  • Capital Works Expenditure
    • Enhance cost control on all fronts
    • Formulate policies on direct procurement and central procurement by a single department
    • Review district cooling systems in new development areas; estimated savings of at least $40 billion in works expenditure

Increase revenue:

  • Starting from October 2025, increasing air passenger departure tax from $120 to $200. Government revenue to rise by about $1.6 billion per year
  • Under various talent and capital investor admission schemes, with immediate effect,
    • Charge an application fee of $600
    • Raise visa fee to $600 or $1,300 based on the duration of limit of stay
    thereby increasing revenue by $620 million per year
  • Review tolls of government tunnels and strategic routes, licence fees for electric private cars, parking meter charges and fixed penalties for traffic offences. Government revenue estimated to increase by $2 billion
  • Explore boundary facilities fee on private cars departing via land boundary control points (taking a fee of $200 per private car as an example, the measure will bring in revenue of about $1 billion per year) without affecting tour coaches and goods vehicles
  • Implement global minimum tax proposal to address base erosion and profit shifting, i.e. BEPS 2.0, to bring in tax revenue of $15 billion annually

Bond Issuance

  • While amount of bonds is contained at a level that ensures fiscal prudence, capital can be used flexibly and for investing in future economic development, bringing greater returns and benefits to the society
  • As works are rolled out in the Northern Metropolis, government expenditure on works will reach its peak. Average annual capital works expenditure will grow from about $90 billion to about $120 billion over the next 5 years
  • Issue bonds worth $150 billion to $195 billion each year under the Government Sustainable Bond Programme and the Infrastructure Bond Programme over the next 5 years. About 56% of which is to be used for re-financing short-term debts
  • Ratio of government debt to GDP will be maintained at 12% -16.5%, which is still considered a stable and manageable low-debt level, and much lower than that of many advanced economies
  • Proceeds from bond issuance will not be used for funding government recurrent expenditure

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