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Budget Speech

Consolidating and Optimising the Use of Government Financial Resources

239. Bureaux and departments set up funds outside the Government's accounts for specific purposes from time to time in the light of their policy needs.  Currently, there are a total of 42 such funds with an aggregate balance of nearly $180 billion.  Some of these funds only use investment returns to meet their expenditure (i.e. seed capital funds).  With different monitoring frameworks and investment strategies, these seed capital funds lock up an enormous amount of public financial resources.

240. To enable the Government to make more flexible and effective use of these resources, we have reviewed the financial arrangements of these seed capital funds.  We propose bringing back first six funds with relatively large unspent balance, totalling about $62 billion, to the Government's accounts in 2025-26, after setting aside resources to meet the necessary expenditure of these funds for the next five years so that it will not affect their sustainable operation.  This will provide a more comprehensive picture of the Government's fiscal position and enable better use of its financial resources.  We will also require the relevant bureaux to examine the financial arrangements of other seed capital funds.

241. We have reviewed the utilisation of the Anti‑epidemic Fund. Taking into account the expenditure requirements, the Fund has a remaining balance of about $15 billion, which will be brought back to the Government's accounts next month.  This sum has been reflected in the revised estimate for 2024‑25.



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