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Budget Speech

Development of Qianhai

167. The Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Co-operation Zone is one of the major co-operation platforms in the GBA. Since the promulgation of the "Overall Development Plan for the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone", Hong Kong-Shenzhen cooperation has achieved substantive progress in various policy areas.  For example, the turnover of Qianhai Mercantile Exchange, a subsidiary of HKEX, exceeded RMB100 billion over the year.  It operates our country's only offshore spot trading platform for soybeans. 

168. On the basis of the successful implementation of the measure of "allowing Hong Kong-invested enterprises to adopt Hong Kong law" in Qianhai, the DoJ collaborated with the relevant Mainland authorities and achieved the extension of the above measure and the measure of "allowing Hong Kong‑invested enterprises to choose Hong Kong as the arbitration place" to other pilot cities in the GBA, providing Hong Kong investors with a more facilitative business environment.

169. Cyberport has been actively collaborating with the Qianhai Management Authority to facilitate the landing of start-up enterprises at respective parks.  So far, some 10 Cyberport enterprises are exploring setting up their operations in Qianhai, whilst two enterprises on AI and digital entertainment from Qianhai have established businesses at Cyberport.

170. Hong Kong will continue to support Qianhai in trying out new policies on a pilot basis and pursuing more policy innovation and breakthroughs, with a view to promoting the successful policies to the rest of the GBA and even the entire country.



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