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Budget Speech

Healthcare Industry

Train and Pool Healthcare Professionals

126. In recent years, the Government has increased the number of medical training places on several occasions.  The number of places will increase to 650 in the 2025/26 academic year.  The public healthcare sector will leverage the revised legislative framework to admit non-locally trained healthcare professionals.

Enhance Regulation for Drugs and Medical Devices

127. The Government will, in the first half of this year, put forward the timetable for establishing the Hong Kong Centre for Medical Products Regulation and the roadmap towards adoption of "primary evaluation".  We will also formulate strategies and measures to facilitate R&D of drugs and medical devices.

Third Medical School

128. The Task Group on New Medical School has invited local universities interested in setting up the third medical school to submit proposals.  It expects to complete assessment and formulate recommendations to the Government this year.  We will set aside resources to support universities in the development of the new medical school on a matching basis.



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