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Budget Speech

Technology Empowering Industry Development

53. The GBA plays an important strategic role in the national scientific and technological innovation system.  Among the top 100 science and technology (S&T) clusters in the Global Innovation Index 2024 published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Shenzhen‑Hong Kong‑Guangzhou cluster ranked second globally for the fifth consecutive year.  With our country's staunch support, the publication event for the top 100 S&T clusters in the WIPO Global Innovation Index 2025 will be held in Hong Kong later this year, giving full recognition to the global importance of Hong Kong as a GBA's core city in the field of I&T.

Life and Health Technology

54. The Government will support local universities to set up life and health technology research institutes through the Subsidy Programme for the Setup of Life and Health Technology Research Institute(s), with a view to fostering cross‑university/institutional and multi‑disciplinary collaboration.  The Innovation and Technology Commission is inviting institutions to submit proposals.

55. The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) is looking into the life and health technology industry's demand for manufacturing facilities that comply with the Good Manufacturing Practices, as well as feasible mode of development and operation, so as to support the industry in conducting clinical trials of new drugs or healthcare innovations in Hong Kong.

Low-altitude Economy

56. The interdepartmental Working Group on Developing Low‑altitude Economy, established at the end of last year, is examining the applications for the first batch of Regulatory Sandbox pilot projects and will announce the results soon.  Through the pilot projects, we hope to expand and enrich the scope of low‑altitude flying activities, bringing new areas of growth for Hong Kong's economy.

57. The Government is reviewing civil aviation legislation to enhance the regulatory regime in support of long-term development of the low‑altitude economy.  We plan to introduce proposed amendments to the Small Unmanned Aircraft Order into LegCo in the second quarter of this year.  We will also consider enacting dedicated legislation for various types of Advanced Air Mobility, and proactively strengthen our interface with Mainland authorities on issues relating to the low‑altitude economy.

Technology Products

58. We will provide local technology companies with more physical displays and sales environment for their products.  The Hong Kong Trade and Development Council (HKTDC) will add a thematic pop-up display area at the flagship retail platform Hong Kong Design Gallery and exhibition venues during major exhibitions to showcase high-quality innovative technology products to both local and overseas buyers or consumers.



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