Relieve People’s Hardship
- Set Up a Special
100% Loan Guarantee
for Individuals
- Provide an extra financing option for the unemployed
- Loan ceiling at $80,000. Application period of 6 months
- Interest rate fixed at 1% per annum. Maximum repayment period of 5 years
- Principal moratorium for the first 12 months. Offer reimbursement for interest paid after loans are repaid in full as scheduled
- Reduce salaries tax and tax under personal assessment for 2020-21 assessment year by 100%, subject to a $10,000 ceiling
- Provide rates concession for domestic properties in 2021-22, subject to a ceiling of $1,500 per quarter in first two quarters and $1,000 per quarter in remaining two quarters
- Grant a subsidy of $1,000 to each residential electricity account
- Provide an extra half-month allowance of standard CSSA payment, Old Age Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance or Disability Allowance. Similar arrangements will apply to Working Family Allowance and Individual-based Work Incentive Transport Subsidy
- Pay examination fees for school candidates sitting for 2022 HKDSE Examination
- Earmark $1 billion to subsidise drainage repair works in over 3 000 old buildings