Healthcare System

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Devote resources to enhance services

  • Substantial resources devoted in the last two Budgets: formulation of the second 10-year Hospital Development Plan, enhancement of healthcare manpower training, expediting the upgrading or acquisition of medical equipment, introduction of advanced medical devices, expansion of the scope of Drug Formulary, establishment of a $10 billion public healthcare stabilisation fund, development of Chinese medicine services and promotion of primary healthcare services
  • Earmark about $500 billion for the two 10-year Hospital Development Plans, providing over 15 000 additional hospital beds and more than 90 operating theatres to meet projected service demand up to 2036
  • Provide sufficient financial support for the Hospital Authority (HA) and the Department of Health for anti-epidemic efforts
  • Provide recurrent funding of $75 billion to the HA in 2020-21, an increase of 35% from 2017-18
  • Allocate about $180 million to universities to enhance facilities and strengthen professional healthcare training
  • Renovate Department of Health clinics in phases
  • Provide an additional $3.6 billion to HA to retain talents in the 5-year period starting from 2021-22
  • Allocate about $600 million to subsidise the setting up of interim “District Health Centre (DHC) Express” by non-governmental organisations in 11 districts where DHCs have yet to be set up
  • Launch the tender process for the construction work of the first Chinese Medicine hospital in Hong Kong
  • Allocate sufficient resources to related bureaux to support people suffering from mental distress

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