Concluding Remarks
185. Hong Kong has been intensely affected by the profound changes in the international political and economic landscape. Meanwhile, we had an extraordinary year with the occurrence of local social incidents. Social unrest and turbulence have revealed deep-seated conflicts in our community, which cannot be resolved overnight. We need to address these conflicts patiently and carefully as they have a far-reaching impact on the stability and development of Hong Kong in the future.
186. I have picked an earth tone colour for the cover of this year's Budget Speech. I believe that Hong Kong is still a fertile piece of land. The quality of its crops, however, depends on the seeds we sow and the way we cultivate and irrigate it. I believe that, no matter what our backgrounds, beliefs and aspirations are, we all cherish and love Hong Kong.
187. Living on the same land, we are closely connected, sharing joys and sorrows. Hong Kong may have all sorts of shortcomings, but it is our home which allows diversity and freedom of development. Even if we have been disappointed, we can choose to feel hopeful for our future. Even if we are striving for different goals, we can work together to put aside our differences, make room for resolving conflicts, and drive Hong Kong forward.
188. Thank you, Mr President.
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