Analysis of Public Expenditure by Policy Area Group

Growth in Recurrent Public Expenditure in 2001-02 in Major Policy Area Groups

The key improvements contributing to the growth in recurrent public expenditure in Education, Health, Security and Social Welfare are detailed below:

Education (+$2,985 million)

Upgrading 145 teaching posts in primary schools to provide leadership in developing the English curriculum and in the teaching of English

- Implementing curriculum reform

Implementing various Education Reform initiatives, including providing more training in early childhood education; strengthening the support for students with special educational needs; introducing the Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant for aided schools with effect from the 2001/02 school year; developing the Basic Competency Assessments; and implementing the District Teacher Network Scheme

- Operating 46 more primary schools on whole-day basis
- Upgrading a further 1 640 teaching posts in primary schools to graduate status

About 100 additional teaching posts in secondary schools to enhance the use of Chinese as the medium of instruction


About 170 additional teaching posts in primary schools to coordinate library services and support the Extensive Reading Schemes

- Providing training in connection with proficiency assessment
- Additional schools joining the Direct Subsidy Scheme
Health (+$1,270 million)
- 145 additional hospital beds
- 40 additional day hospital places
- Introducing family medicine practice in 5 General Out-patient Clinics
- 3 additional Community Psychiatric Teams
- 2 500 patients provided with new psychiatric drugs
- Assessing 1 400 young persons to identify psychotic problems for early treatment
- A new Public Health Laboratory Centre in Shek Kip Mei
Security (+$1,010 million)
- 138 additional police officers to strengthen operational front-line capabilities and traffic enforcement in new towns and new infrastructure
- 104 additional staff in Fire Services Department for new fire stations and additional ambulances
- 5 additional staff in Fire Services Department for implementation of the Railway Development Strategy
- 11 additional staff in ICAC for establishment of a Quick Response Team
- 26 additional staff in Customs and Excise Department for customs facilities at Container Terminal No.9
- 54 additional staff in Correctional Services Department for the commissioning of the redeveloped Tai Lam Correctional Institution
- 117 additional staff in Immigration Department to strengthen manpower at Lo Wu Control Point
- 45 additional staff in Immigration Department and additional briefing-out provision for Department of Justice to expedite the handling of judicial review cases arising from right of abode litigation
Social Welfare (+$2,675 million)
- An additional 2 541 residential places, 7 social centres, 3 multi-service centres, 60 day care centre places and enhanced home and community care services for elders
- An additional 540 residential places, 100 day places, 500 sheltered workshop places and 180 supported employment places for the disabled
- An additional 500 day nursery places

An additional team for the community support service scheme and expansion of 8 integrated teams for young night drifters


Additional care assistants and programme assistants in various service units for elders, rehabilitation and youth


2 additional child custody workers, 20 child protection workers and 2 clinical psychologists to assist victims of sexual and domestic violence and people with marital problems

- 6 additional medical social workers at new medical facilities
- 4 additional school social workers for new schools

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