The key improvements contributing to the growth in expenditure in Health, Social Welfare, Education and Security are detailed below:
Health (+2.8%)
  • 460 additional hospital beds
  • A new skin clinic in Cheung Sha Wan
  • Implementation of the Computerised Laboratory Information System (first phase) in the Department of Health


Social Welfare (+9.2%)
  • For the elderly, an additional 2 510 residential places, including subvented and bought places, 10 social centres, 5 day care centres, 3 multi-service centres, 3 dedicated support teams and 2 home help teams to deliver domiciliary care services
  • For people with a disability, an additional 660 residential places and 680 day places
  • For children, an additional 706 day nursery places and 6 small group homes
  • An additional 60 pre-school places for children with a disability
  • An additional 20 social workers to strengthen family education and provide support to parents in guiding their children to help foster a closer parent-child relationship
  • 4 additional medical social workers to provide services at new medical facilities
  • Providing 1 school social worker in each secondary school by phases
  • An additional 7 child protection workers
  • 4 additional clinical psychologists to strengthen services for those in need


Education (+4.2%)


  • Commissioning 6 additional secondary schools and operating 44 more primary schools on whole-day basis
  • 168 additional English teaching posts to enhance the teaching of English in secondary schools adopting Chinese as the medium of instruction
  • 20 additional native-speaking English teachers in secondary schools
  • 132 additional teaching posts in primary schools to enhance library services and implement Reading Schemes
  • Upgrading a further 1 640 teaching posts in primary schools to graduate status
  • Further enhancing information technology in education by strengthening teacher training, engaging contract technical services and providing over 100 additional IT Co-ordinators
  • Supplementary grant to schools to support school-based management
  • 8 more schools joining the Direct Subsidy Scheme


Security (+3.8%)


  • 54 additional police officers to strengthen operational front-line capabilities in new towns and new infrastructure
  • 10 additional staff in Fire Services Department for new fire stations
  • 6 additional staff in ICAC for the management of the Commission Against Corruption Information System
  • 27 additional staff in Immigration Department to process applications for Certificate of Entitlement (C of E) and to handle related judicial review cases
  • 8 additional staff in Government Laboratory to carry out genetic tests for verifying the parentage of C of E applicants born out of wedlock
  • 10 additional staff in Immigration Department for processing visa applications under the Admission of Talents Scheme
  • 4 additional staff in Customs and Excise Department to strengthen transport support at Lok Ma Chau Control Point


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